University of Rajasthan

Medical Officers


Dr. Shyam Mittal(M.D.) S.M.O.
Dr. Preeti Bhagava (M.S.)

Lady Doctor M.O.(On deputation)


Dr. Sheenu Gupta


Dr. R.R. Bhardwaj
The University Campus has dispensaries of Allopathic ,Ayurvedic , and Homeopathy. Essential medicines are provided free of cost. Medical health check-up camps, both routine and specialized (ECG, B.P. ,Blood Sugar, Bone Mass Density, Pulmonary Function Tests, Prostate Screening and other Urological Tests) are organized from time to time.The Health centre is providing curative, comprehensive, preventive counseling, rehabilitative, (Including remedial Yoga counselling) services to the students, teachers, employes & their dependents).