University of Rajasthan


Book Circulation through RFID

Book borrowing facility is available to all faculty, research scholars, students and University staff. RFID technology is used for book’s security and RFID Smart Cards are issued to Central Library members for automated circulation. Only general books will be issued, but reference books, rare books, theses & dissertations, loose/bound issues of periodicals and such other reference materials are only for consultation within the Central library. Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise, they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed later or at the time of returning. Circulation staff in the Central library will also assist you in locating items in the stack area and related matters.

Book Bank Facility

The library has a rich collection of old documents including the collection of British resident at Mount Abu, which is popularly known as ‘The Abu collection’. This includes Government reports, gazetteers and other publications dating back to early 19″ Century. These are of research value for Historians, Economists and Sociologists.

Inter Library Loan

Central Library offers Inter Library Loan Service for the documents that are not available in Central Library collection. This service is provided to entire University community to meet their academic and research needs.


Central Library provides photocopy service for the benefit of its users.
under e-ShodhSindhu consortia provided through Inflibnet, Ahemdabad and (ii) subscribed by Central Library, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur