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- 1.) The Economic Bulletin is a quarterly publication of NITI Aayog Chair which makes detailed economic analysis based on periodic data from different sectors of the economy of Rajasthan. It also proposes set of measures that can further augment the desired outcomes for different sectors, leading to sustainable development of the state.The first issue of The Economic Bulletin was released on the State Finances of Rajasthan which brought out fiscal performance of the state, highlighting its budgetary trends since 2006-07. The issue provided an in-depth statistical analysis of the revenue and expenditure of the state along with its debt and deficit position for a period of 15 years. The issue was released on March 29, 2022 at the office of State Finance Commission of Rajasthan by the Hon�ble Chairperson of the Sixth SFC, Shri Pradhymn Singh.
- 2.) The second issue of The Economic Bulletin has been released on the Labour Market Trends in Rajasthan which analyses the estimates of labour force indicators: Labour force participation rate (LFPR), Worker population ratio (WPR), Unemployment Rate, Occupation Status, Sectoral Distribution of Workforce, Casual labour status in Rajasthan. The analysis is based on the estimates from the annual reports of Periodic labour Force survey by NSO from 2017 to 2021 tor all age groups for usual status (primary economic activity and subsidiary economic activity status). Employment situation on the basis of gender and rural/ urban has been considered. A comparative analysis of the employment situation ot Rajasthan and India has also been undertaken through all the above mentioned indicators to find out any major employment trend differences between Rajasthan and India.
- 3.) The third issue of the Bulletin has been released on Health Profile of Rajasthan: A Comparison with EAG states which focuses on the healthcare scenario of the EAG states, highlighting Rajasthan. The issue highlights the analysis of various health indicators such as: Maternal and Child mortality rates, delivery care, child vaccination, etc. along with the status of health infrastructure and health professionals in rural and tribal areas of the EAG states. It also covers the health expenditure incurred by the various state governments along with the population covered under health insurance.